台聯要求政府嚴正抗議 以正視聽
台聯表示,從Google的地圖搜尋中鍵入「TAIWAN」後所出現的台灣地圖,其下方說明寫著「Taiwan, The Province of China.」即是台灣是中國的一個省份;這種說法根本不是目前國際認知台灣的默契,更不是不分藍綠的台灣人所能接受的。台灣就是台灣,台灣從未接受過中國的統治,中國也從未有官員、軍隊在台灣,說台灣是中國的一部分實在是太牽強。Google硬要說台灣是中國的一部分不知道依據的標準何在?台聯要求政府應該要求Google明確將台灣定義為「一個獨立國家」、「Taiwan, Is An Independent State in Asia.」。
Dear Google,
In your map listings, I noticed that you list Taiwan as a province of China again. Please remove “Province of China” from the list of Taiwan.
I have written a letter about this matter before and glad to see you correctly listing Taiwan as Taiwan. But today I found that you list Taiwan as province of China again.
Taiwan is an independent nation and is not a province of China. The only country in the world that thinks that Taiwan is a province of China is China. Other countries have kowtowed to China's fantasies, but the reality is that Taiwan is a state with its own government, own elections, its own currency and its own defined territory. Taiwan negotiates its own treaties and has its own president. By definition, a province of a country, can not and does not do this.
Taiwan does not claim to represent China, but China wrongly claims to represent Taiwan. Listing Taiwan as a province of China is incorrect.
A country, such as China, regardless of how economically powerful, should not dictate to a venerable hi-tech company such as Google, what to write and how to write it. As a hi-tech portal site, Google Maps should strive to list the truth. This listing of Taiwan as a province of China, smacks against this principle.
Again, please remove “Province of China” from the list of Taiwan.
台聯表示,從Google的地圖搜尋中鍵入「TAIWAN」後所出現的台灣地圖,其下方說明寫著「Taiwan, The Province of China.」即是台灣是中國的一個省份;這種說法根本不是目前國際認知台灣的默契,更不是不分藍綠的台灣人所能接受的。台灣就是台灣,台灣從未接受過中國的統治,中國也從未有官員、軍隊在台灣,說台灣是中國的一部分實在是太牽強。Google硬要說台灣是中國的一部分不知道依據的標準何在?台聯要求政府應該要求Google明確將台灣定義為「一個獨立國家」、「Taiwan, Is An Independent State in Asia.」。
Dear Google,
In your map listings, I noticed that you list Taiwan as a province of China again. Please remove “Province of China” from the list of Taiwan.
I have written a letter about this matter before and glad to see you correctly listing Taiwan as Taiwan. But today I found that you list Taiwan as province of China again.
Taiwan is an independent nation and is not a province of China. The only country in the world that thinks that Taiwan is a province of China is China. Other countries have kowtowed to China's fantasies, but the reality is that Taiwan is a state with its own government, own elections, its own currency and its own defined territory. Taiwan negotiates its own treaties and has its own president. By definition, a province of a country, can not and does not do this.
Taiwan does not claim to represent China, but China wrongly claims to represent Taiwan. Listing Taiwan as a province of China is incorrect.
A country, such as China, regardless of how economically powerful, should not dictate to a venerable hi-tech company such as Google, what to write and how to write it. As a hi-tech portal site, Google Maps should strive to list the truth. This listing of Taiwan as a province of China, smacks against this principle.
Again, please remove “Province of China” from the list of Taiwan.