


(中央社)台灣台北,7月22日是這兩個亞洲國家之一,與新加坡,在2012年躋身在世界10個最悲觀的國家一起,根據蓋洛普民意測驗人民與他們的生活滿意度。共有26個%的台灣受訪者評為他們未來的生活比目前的生活更糟糕,人來自141個國家和地區,在2012年蓋洛普調查中最高的第五名。新加坡是第九個世界最悲觀的國家有24%的受訪者預期他們的生活五年來會比他們目前的糟糕,它被公佈在蓋洛普的網站在7月18日的民意調查結果。日本排名第12,22%的受訪期待一個更糟糕的未來,根據投票表決。希臘仍是最悲觀的國家在2012年,在世界上38%的受訪者預期比現在更糟糕的未來。其次是捷克33%,斯洛文尼亞為32%,調查發現,蓋洛普說,它發現,歐洲作為一個整體,在南部和東部特別是歐洲國家,許多居民仍然感覺經濟持續的影響危機的影響,並與他們目前的生活,人民的滿意度繼續要低。居住在其他世界各地的人們對他們的未來更樂觀。 “ 與非洲或亞洲,那裡的人看到自己的未來,在明亮的條款,許多歐洲人相比仍持懷疑態度,將在未來改善他們的生活狀況,“蓋洛普說,在分析調查結果,這項調查是通過電話和面對面的面談,與每個國家的約1000名成年人,15歲及以上。誤差幅度為正負5.6個百分點加上或減去1.6個百分點,從低到高的,根據蓋洛普公司的調查,詢問受訪者對他們當前和未來的生活在梯子上規模從零編號的步驟到10。評價他們的未來生活高於他們目前的生活被打成樂觀,評價他們的未來生活被描述為悲觀。由伊麗莎白徐)ENDITEM / LS

Taipei, July 22 (CNA) Taiwan was one of two Asian countries, along with Singapore, that ranked among the 10 most pessimistic countries in the world in 2012, according to a Gallup poll on peoples' satisfaction with their lives.

A total of 26 percent of the Taiwanese surveyed rated their future lives worse than the current lives, the fifth highest among people from 141 countries and areas surveyed by Gallup in 2012.

Singapore was the ninth most pessimistic country of the world with 24 percent of respondents expecting their lives in five years to be worse than their present ones, according to the poll results which were published on Gallup's website on July 18.

Japan ranked 12th with 22 percent of the surveyed expecting a worse future, according to the poll.

Greece remained the most pessimistic country in the world in 2012, with 38 percent of respondents expecting a worse future than present. They were followed by the Czechs at 33 percent and Slovenians at 32 percent, the survey found.

Gallup said it found that Europeans as a whole, and many residents in southern and eastern European countries in particular, were still feeling the effects of the ongoing economic crisis, and that peoples' satisfaction with their current lives continued to be low.

People living in other parts of the world were much more optimistic about their futures.

"Compared with Africa or Asia, where people see their future in brighter terms, many Europeans remain skeptical that their life situation will improve in the future," Gallup said in an analysis of the survey's results.

The survey was conducted through telephone and face-to-face interviews with approximately 1,000 adults per country aged 15 and older. The margin of error ranged from a low of plus or minus 1.6 percentage points to a high of plus or minus 5.6 percentage points.

According to Gallup, it asked the respondents to rate their current and future lives on a ladder scale with steps numbered from zero to 10.

Those who rated their future lives higher than their current lives were labeled as optimistic and those who rated their future lives lower were described as pessimistic.

(By Elizabeth Hsu)




